Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Last Night's Horror Episode

So why do I want to tell you about last night's horror episode? I don't you feel sorry for me, just to get it out, to know I am not the only one...not sure, but here are the details to one night of horror.
I eat dinner at 5pm, a snack at 6:30pm and a snack at 8pm. I should be set for a restful night, not full of waking and feeling starved. I awake at 12:30 pm, and begin tossing and turning, thinking it was Felicity who woke me up, but as I continue with the flopping, I realized it was the new little one and I am famished! and feel like puking my guts out... I resist awhile before sleep goes further and further from my eyes and know I must eat something. I grab a graham cracker by my bed and munch on it while I make my 1/3 of a glass of water last. At this point I am feeling worse but hope as soon as i can get the cracker out of my teeth I can pass out again. I try, and try, and try...suddenly I lean over and whisper to my husband, "I need the Greek yogurt," he mumbles in his sleep, "huh, I don't know where it is?" I repeat myself as he slowly comes out of his peaceful slumber, sits up, rubs his eyes and stumbles downstairs to retrieve my request. I sit up, try not to gulp it down so I don't feel sicker but its not hard because I gag the whole time and can barely put each bite in my mouth- I ignore it and finish. As soon as I do Felicity awakens, "mama? leche mama," so I nurse here and groan because her weight hurts my belly and my belly hurts my belly. I finally get back to sleep hoping that this time, since I ate a whole Greek yogurt with lots of protein I will get some gooooood sleep until morning.
4am, Felicity requests to nurse again, I give her back her soothie, tell her to go to sleep, throw some clothes on, fumble downstairs as quick as I can and practically shout at Arturo that I need something to eat! He jumps up as I throw myself into my chair and moan in pain, he gives me his apple and peanut butter he just prepared for his own breakfast. The apple tastes good but the peanut butter is repulsive, I eat it anyway, need the protein. He then gives me toast with cottage cheese and honey, I force down half of it. By this time, as I knew it would, I begin feeling worse and worse; but I keep eating, cause I have to, its the only thing that will help in the end. I still feel famished but also think I might hurl, hubby brings me a bowl just in case and a fruit/protein shake; I take a few sips.
Then I can't help myself, I begin crying, and crying and crying. I mumble, "I hate this, it hurts so much, this is stupid, so uncomfortable, I wish it would go away..." Husband gentle reminds me, "think of Felicity, its all for a sweet precious child that you are going through this for." He gives me a tissue, some kisses and comforts me. In the end I fall asleep in my chair; I rotate every 1/2 hour as one half of my body falls asleep and take a couple sips of my smoothie. By 6:30, I sit up and beginning chatting a little to my poor husband who is hard at work and yet needs to run out the door. I thank him for caring for me and vow to do better today. Yes, well....a yogurt, a cliff bar and a bowl of mac-n-cheese later, I feel like crap, starving yet nauseous and zero energy. I think I will go sit in the sun the rest of the day.
Today is week 8, 4-6 more weeks of this to go. I actually had a couple of good days and thought, "wow, maybe it will be different this time, maybe I won't be as sick...?:)" The Lord is teaching me something, maybe it is just so that I can relate to almost all women who have ever been pregnant. Maybe it is so I learn to be dependent on Him. Maybe it is so that I loose some pride and learn to be humble- excepting that I can't always be perfect and its ok. Whatever it is, I pray that I may learn it. Also, I think pregnant women, at all stages, should be sung the chant, "more power to you!" over and over and over and over and over again. Or something like it, I don't really care what it is, just that it be recognized what we go through for our children.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Not surprised- but thankful to God and happy.

Yes, I am pregnant, everyone is finding out because everyone is asking. And why are they asking? Because everyone was bothering me, "sooooo, when is the next one coooooming....;)" and I would say, "look, we are planning to try on such and such a week to result in a perfectly timed baby- ok? so ask me around then." So everyone did- "sooooooo are you pregnant yet?" -"ah! why are you asking, do I look fat or something?...ok, yes I am"
After the expected cycle did not cycle around I took an impatient pregnancy test and wahlah! +! My husband and I were overjoyed- another little one:) But can we have another child as precious as Felicity????? I am told yes. :)
I had a good week or two of not really feeling pregnant and then the magic 6week mark hit and bam! Nausea. I feel like it might be worse this time, like something might actually come up, though I would rather keep it down. I can't wait for 13wks!!!!! (When I should feel better).
Mom keeps telling me, "no, I wasn't really sick." Dad says, "why are you sick?" Husband says, "pobresita" Sisters say, "hmmm" Anastasia says, "drink water." Kellee says, "I ate the salads anyway." Most pregnant or previously pregnant women give me a look of sympathy and sigh, there is nothing to be done but wait it out. (That being said, the midwife in me must say, there are lots of things to try that can and will help. That whinny girl up there is just that, whinny and pregnant. After I am done whining I may write about some of those things but, that requires thinking about food- off limits right now, unless it is NYPD Pizza;)
So I am thinking that this blog may be about my pregnancy, my life and a bit of education as well. I like to vent, writing helps me remember and maybe someone will find my life interesting enough to add it to their list of websites that they check and follow and really spend to much time doing in the first place. Maybe Jennifer can check my grammar, maybe Anastasia will help the style or maybe it will just be me.