Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Not surprised- but thankful to God and happy.

Yes, I am pregnant, everyone is finding out because everyone is asking. And why are they asking? Because everyone was bothering me, "sooooo, when is the next one coooooming....;)" and I would say, "look, we are planning to try on such and such a week to result in a perfectly timed baby- ok? so ask me around then." So everyone did- "sooooooo are you pregnant yet?" -"ah! why are you asking, do I look fat or something?...ok, yes I am"
After the expected cycle did not cycle around I took an impatient pregnancy test and wahlah! +! My husband and I were overjoyed- another little one:) But can we have another child as precious as Felicity????? I am told yes. :)
I had a good week or two of not really feeling pregnant and then the magic 6week mark hit and bam! Nausea. I feel like it might be worse this time, like something might actually come up, though I would rather keep it down. I can't wait for 13wks!!!!! (When I should feel better).
Mom keeps telling me, "no, I wasn't really sick." Dad says, "why are you sick?" Husband says, "pobresita" Sisters say, "hmmm" Anastasia says, "drink water." Kellee says, "I ate the salads anyway." Most pregnant or previously pregnant women give me a look of sympathy and sigh, there is nothing to be done but wait it out. (That being said, the midwife in me must say, there are lots of things to try that can and will help. That whinny girl up there is just that, whinny and pregnant. After I am done whining I may write about some of those things but, that requires thinking about food- off limits right now, unless it is NYPD Pizza;)
So I am thinking that this blog may be about my pregnancy, my life and a bit of education as well. I like to vent, writing helps me remember and maybe someone will find my life interesting enough to add it to their list of websites that they check and follow and really spend to much time doing in the first place. Maybe Jennifer can check my grammar, maybe Anastasia will help the style or maybe it will just be me.

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